Assessing the Foundation of the C(3)onscious C(3)ommunity With Humility

The following post reflects on some of the events that have taken place in the melanated-conscious community.

In my previous article predicting the year 2024, I mentioned the foundation (4) would be judged by its positive and negative side (Minds, 2024). 1

Not only are we in the energy of judgment(22), but also, the energy you put out in 2020 will return to you, positive or negative (2+2+4 = 8(Karmic cycles)). The conscious community is under judgment now, and those that many of us have come to know and love are experiencing the same energy. First, I don’t want to see anyone’s demise. However, I would not be genuine if I were not honest about the situation.

Eligio Bishop, Aka Nature Boy

Context: For those who don’t know, Eligio Bishop, the leader of Carbon Nation, was found guilty by a Georgia jury on charges of rape, false imprisonment, and revenge porn. This verdict is seen as a critical development in exposing the activities of the alleged sex cult. The trial revealed the cult’s manipulation and control tactics, including the use of social media to spread its ideology.

Emotional testimonies from former members at the sentencing highlighted the psychological damage inflicted by Bishop, who showed a lack of remorse and was criticized by the judge for his behavior. Despite a defense citing his troubled upbringing, Bishop received a life sentence without parole, plus an additional ten years for revenge porn charges, with strict no-contact orders against the victims and bans on profiting from his story (Pena & Pena, 2024). 2

His supporters plan to appeal, but the sentencing aims to provide victims with some closure. Cult leaders are not uncommon and come in many different forms. But this particular cult still supports Mr Bishop throughout this process (Atlanta, 2022).3

Notice The Signs & Symbols

Putting up the 666 hand sign and the masonic hand signaling, and of course, Mr Bishop with the orange (33) head wrap of all colors:

This is not to say you can’t turn these symbols into something positive or non-masonic. However, I did take note of the dark colors and a disturbing video of him speaking to one of his members and “potential” beating (Watch On YouTube).

The Ego Pattern

There is a disturbing pattern of the Black Jesus/Messiah worship that takes place mainly in alternative black spaces. Take Umar Johnson, for example, who refers to himself as the prince of Panafricanism. Marshall Daniels referred to himself as “Young Pharoah, ” a label with high expectations. The breaking for me was when Young Pharaoh mentioned that he would choke someone out in front of children. That is when my radar went off, and I began to go elsewhere for understanding and inner standing.

The pattern I notice is hooking people in with knowledge about melanin, phenotype, chromosomes, carbon, or something that makes black people feel better. The feeling is more emotional and feminine and not balanced with logic, which is more masculine. Again, there is nothing wrong with good information or knowledge; the issue is when the ego is not balanced with humility.

Etymology of Humility: from Latin humilitatem (nominative humilitas) “lowness, small stature; insignificance; baseness, littleness of mind,” in Church Latin “meekness,” from humilis “lowly, humble,” literally “on the ground,” from humus “earth,” from PIE root *dhghem- “earth.”

humility | Search Online Etymology Dictionary. (n.d.).

What I interpret from this definition is someone who is down to earth, balanced as two feet on the ground. So, the individual is suspended in thought and self-awareness of one’s image without thinking they are a step above anyone else. It’s a potent energy to be in 202(4(foundation)), the year of building a solid foundation and assessing your master blueprint(22).

Humility is not being ok with less; humility to me as a foundational black American is that I have to play defense and not let my head get too big or so big that I forget to empathize with others. Some people think of humility as being lowly in mind or not thinking much of yourself; for me, it is a balancing of the ego that allows me to be confident in myself but not to the point where it messes up my judgment.

Ultimately, the people looking for a messiah figure are why these individuals continue to lurk across the internet. If a code of conduct is expected, these entities will not exist.

What Can We Learn From All Of This Mess?

Everyone will learn something different, but I keep in mind there is always a group of people actively working against the best interest of black people in America in general. If you think about the number of scammers and false prophets over the years, who knows what could have been built if these people had been exposed sooner rather than later? I hope we all grow, find the leaders within ourselves, and let the code become the leader we seek.

I also hope people develop a code of conduct and a standard that keeps the black image in mind. Foundational black American descendants of U.S. chattel slavery have been through the worst atrocities known to mankind and must continue to strive for excellence despite these challenges. As reparations continue to be the primary order on the menu, let us all remember that judgment is here, and the imbalanced scales of inequality will be balanced by 202(9(cycle completion); Mark my words.

Continue to be conscious like I’m sure all of you will, and continue to understand the over-arching inn-erstanding that you hold the greatest truth of your divinity as seeds of the sun, charged by the sun. Knowledge of self is not a destination but a lifelong pathway as a lifelong student of yourself. Double-check what these so-called “leaders” do and not just their words, and his/her/story will become more apparent.

  1. Mind, K. (2024, January 15). Numerology of 2024: Judgement of the Foundation by Kemetic Mind. Kemetic Minds. ↩︎
  2. Pena, R., & Pena, R. (2024, March 4). Alleged Georgia sex cult leader Eligio Bishop sentenced to life for rape. Black Enterprise. ↩︎
  3. Atlanta, F. 5. (2022, April 16). Suspected cult leader Eligio Bishop denied bond on rape, false imprisonment charges. FOX 5 Atlanta. ↩︎

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